Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Perils of Preschoolers Getting Themselves Dressed

     We were all cuddled up on the couch this evening reading a bedtime story when I realized that Liam had his pants on backwards.
"No I don't!" 
"Yes you do."
"No I don't!"
"Yes you do."
     I ended the argument by unsnapping the snap which was on his butt and unzipping his zipper.  It seems I won the argument.  But Liam still didn't know how his pants got on backwards or for how long he wore them like that. 
     Here are the facts: Liam got himself dressed this morning, Liam pulled down his pants to go to the bathroom at school and Liam did not take off his pants at any time today.  Perhaps most incriminating is the fact that just yesterday he came upstairs wearing his jeans backwards.  We caught it yesterday but obviously our perceptiveness as parents is beginning to wear down (doesn't bode well for his teen years) so today we let him leave the house wearing his pants backwards.
     Here's the bright side, at least no one noticed.  I mean, it's obvious to assume that no one noticed because no one told him to fix his pants, right?  Unless they thought it was too funny to fix.  It is possible that all the teachers were giggling behind his back- but then again, they're day care teachers and I'm sure backwards pants are a fairly common sight in their profession.
     Currently in Liam's class the fashion crazes include wearing a long sleeve shirt underneath a short sleeve shirt.  Matching is entirely optional.  Liam recently left the house (with our permission).  One mom of a boy in Liam's class calls her son a "budding conservative" because lately he has been insisting on wearing a button up shirt with a tie.  This hasn't caught on yet with his peers luckily (because Liam doesn't have a clip on tie). Who knows, maybe Liam has something here.  Perhaps backwards pants are just the next fashion craze to hit the preschool scene. 

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